A child of a (veteran who has a service connected disability), 0% or more or had a service-connected disability at the time of death. The child’s annual income, which includes the child’s adjusted gross income plus the value of support provided by a parent, may not exceed the annual income limit which is currently $12,752.00 for academic year 2018 - 2019.
Eligibility specifications for Plan B College fee waiver:
- Wartime service not required.
- No specific age requirements.
- No prohibition against concurrent receipt of fee waiver benefits and USDVA Chapter 35 benefits
- Children are the only dependents eligible under this Plan.
- Applicant must contact the school they will be attending to learn about the residency requirements.
- Current academic year entitlement is based upon the previous calendar year’s annual income which includes the
child’s adjusted gross income.
- Students must meet residency requirements as determined by the school.
- Must be a dependent of veteran and if married (not a dependent any longer).
If you want to apply for this benefit, you will need the following:
- DVS-40 which can be supplied from the Veteran Service Office.
- Requirements to Establish Dependency requires copy of the student’s birth certificate, showing the veteran as a
- The veteran named as a parent on the birth certificate should be the same person named on the VA award notice for service connected disability.
- For stepchildren and adoptions: (1) if a stepchild, obtain copy of marriage license and child’s birth certificate, or
(2) if an adopted child, a copy of the legal adoption order will suffice.
- Verification of income for a student’s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) can be verified with a SIGNED copy of the
entire tax return filed with the IRS (1040, 1040EZ) or similar FTB form, or a statement from the IRS or FTB must be
provided verifying AGI or the fact that there is no record of a return being filed. If FTB or IRS tax return was
electronically submitted, confirmation that the return was accepted must be provided. IRS and FTB statements
may be obtained by visiting a local IRS or FTB office, or by calling the IRS at 1-800-829-1040, or the FTB at 1-800-
852-5711. If above options are not available, applicant may complete IRS Form 4506-T, option #7 and send to
the IRS. If the form is completed correctly, request will be processed within 10 business days from the IRS/FTB.
- Once you have all these documents, please make an appointment with the Veteran Service Officer
(Shawn Bondon) at 1-530-283-6275.
For More Information
Plumas County Veterans' Services